♥Wednesday, August 29, 2007
i am a 20 years old trapped in a body of an 80 years old ah mah.
i swear my muscles are tearing and my bones are breaking.
ask me why.
good question.
now give me an answer. please?
i had a long weekend as i wished for the other time if you rmb, or that you have the patience and search it under my archives.
save your troubles, just trust me.
yes i did mention.
and a wish came true.
i started work today. 4-day weekends, 3-day weekdays.
but i'm still having
blues!i'm having the everyday
blues cos i have to work the nxt day.
blues cos friday= monday is coming.
blues cos saturday= monday is coming soon!
i know i'm making my own life miserable.
i swear i will go back to school within 2 years.
and i was nearly late for work this morning,
all becos i can't find my pouch, which contains my house key and EZ link.
i woke my parents up, took their keys and ez link and ran out!
spoilt my mood= spoilt my day TOTALLY.
if you know me,
you will know that i can multi-task very well.
and so, there i was eating, printing formal letters, and texting all together.
TA DAH! tragedy strikes.
I bit my mouth (inner, right) while eating, and immediately a PAPER CUT on my lip (outer, left)!
I know you love sausages, so do i, but not ON MY LIP!
But i'm still a happy 20years old girl. :)
oh yes, i came up with a wishlist and hopefully they are evolving into a shoppinglist SOON.
- seafood feast
- holiday
- longer hair- keep this as a wish
- perm hair- as a wish too
- heels
- my LV monogram vernis purse
- my LV NOE bag
- my white skinny
- my topshop dress
- okay i dont want to go on anymoreeeeeeeeeeeee.
and she say GOODBYE..{/9:05 PM}
♥Monday, August 27, 2007

Happy 21stBirthday sis!
It's a lovely Monday afternoon free from Monday blues as yours truely here, skipped work once again. I'm having this love/hate kinda of stuff going on with menses. I hate menses cos it gives me PMS occasionally and cramps very often, I love mense cos it de-bloats me BUT then again I WON'T BE BLOATED if there isnt mense in the first place- SO I LOVE/HATE menses. Oh wells, a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do. Yes, enough of menses. I'm going to squeeze myself into a ball and roll on my bed soon.
I am seriously in love now. In love with the Singapore weather. This whole weather made our little red spot, sunny island feels like somewhere overseas. I just want to enjoy being a tourist here, roaming around freely with the cool air blowing in my face. But it's all not going to happen cos I'm going back to freeze in my office again tmrw just like any other days. And an interview tmrw after work, wish me luck.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:14 AM}
♥Sunday, August 26, 2007
and you dont understand it.
you all dont.
thank you very much.
this joke is not funny AT ALL.
and she say GOODBYE..{/8:30 PM}
♥Thursday, August 23, 2007
i want a getaway to runaway!!
and she say GOODBYE..{/7:43 PM}
♥Monday, August 20, 2007
i see repetitions.
let me see something new.
growing up is really really bad.
does being 20 makes me an adult?
and bearing a whole load of responsibilities?
and if we are all grown ups now,
why do we/you all not think like adults?
and not even the adult-adult to think maturely?
what IS your definition of being understanding then?
I am NOT guilty of ANY of your childish assumptions.
So please, do both you and i a favour.
Think like an adult.
and she say GOODBYE..{/7:32 PM}
♥Wednesday, August 15, 2007
i'm tired.
i'm tired of feeling tired every single day.
i need a break.
i'm sleepy, i don't get a chance to use my brain.
i want to sleep till the sun shine on my butt.
i want to sleep till i feel so sick when i wake up.
i want to dream till i cant wake up on time.
i need to talk to somebody but i dont know who to turn to.
i dont know who is the right person to talk to.
i want to see my friends.
i want to talk, laugh, shop and eat with all of them.
i want to see my bfriend as and when i want to.
i want a life.
but right now,
i seriously need a chat with someone close.
and she say GOODBYE..{/10:31 PM}
♥Monday, August 13, 2007
i can hardly balance.
think about it.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:07 AM}
♥Monday, August 06, 2007
Happy 20th Birthday to Auggie!
(No pics yet)
Happy 21st Birthday to Charlene!
After much celebrations, i guessed we have all gained alil weight.

All that were present.

we hope you enjoyed and like the presents too!

Riverside Indonesian Restaurant.

Few of our crazy shots.
i will update soon!!!!
i forgot to post a pic of my super duper adorable nephew.

okay, pictures.
and she say GOODBYE..{/8:02 PM}