♥Monday, April 30, 2007
this evening was family outing + outing with my flowers.
aug, charlene, clifton, dorothy, larrina and me!
we finally fulfilled rina's wish of watching the 200pounds korean movie.

it was quite a nice show, touching and meaning although predictable.
and she say GOODBYE..{/10:16 AM}
♥Sunday, April 29, 2007
You are not going to believe this. But yours truly here is still s-i-c-k! It's like 2 whole weeks, what the hell is wrong with ME?! I sit at home, shake my legs and i shake the whole load of illness out. Goodness gracious, aint i amazing?!
and she say GOODBYE..{/10:56 PM}
♥Monday, April 23, 2007
I truly don't understand why some people can be so annoying, irritating and super duper irksome. Won't you just slow down your pace and reflect on your own doings? Do you think you are even being fair or just plain selfish? How could anyone be like that, like you?
Anyway, I finally went to see the doc after a week of torture. I hope I can really get well soon!
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:47 AM}

My ah mah's birthday celebration last night, with lotsa of cam-shy relatives hiding behind the crowd.
What a feast, a pity for a sick cat like me. I couldn't talk when the whole table was asking me questions. I couldnt eat some of the yummy food. What's more? I cant even taste the crabs, lobsters, sharks fin and abalone? Everything is tasteless to me!!!!!!!! Sucha waste of food on me. Will anyone buy me a seafood feast when i'm well???
Happy Birthday Ah Mah!!!
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:46 AM}
♥Saturday, April 21, 2007
As requested by deni,
I want to thank this sweetie for being my personal nurse on the day of regetta. Taking care of me me and being my voice as well. :)
Day 5,
I lost my voice!!!! I've got this combo illness of fever, flu, sore throat and cough. I can't scream and cheer, and i cant eat due to the sore throat. Fever + sunburnt makes me feel as though i'm surrounded by an aura of heat, you know like living in an incubator which is not warm but HOT! So i'm sweating and sweating, like in a sauna and i lost 2 freaking kgs.
I want to EAT! I want to satisfy ALL MY FOOD CRAVINGS!
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:46 PM}
♥Thursday, April 19, 2007
I dont like that unfriendly glare which makes me question myself.
I have never been so sick and ugly in my whole entire life, like now.
and she say GOODBYE..{/5:21 PM}
♥Monday, April 16, 2007
My pandora's box of secrets. Way too many to keep. I used to be a person of no-secrets, i mean my own secret, not you guys'. But now, everything is changed, changing. And I am still adapting. What to do, what not to do. What to say, what not to say.. too much restrictions, not my cup of tea.
Every lil things you say, every lil actions you do, affects me so much. I cant satisfy everyone. I am jus plain jane, not superwoman, not wondergirl. At the end of the day, we just want a happy ending to our lives. Each and every phase.
I cant help but to think i am a jinx. I dont believe that much in luck, i believe in effort. But still, it seems otherwise. I'm sorry for all the wrong words i had said, maybe i tried too hard, maybe it's just... i dont know.
But i am still, really, seriously, very affected.
And i am really, seriously, very free. (minus the 2 big events coming up soon).
*fake a smile.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:29 AM}
♥Saturday, April 14, 2007
despite having a very high threshold of pain, i'm still a lil worried for the surgery (even though it's really a minor minor one). it's not the process that i'm afraid of, it's the aftermath. save me!!
day 9.
5 more days.
11 more days.
26 more days.
Happy 20th Birthday to Alvin!
and she say GOODBYE..{/10:57 PM}
♥Thursday, April 12, 2007
im sick and tired of feeling sick and tired/
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:42 AM}
♥Monday, April 09, 2007
I guessed i'm a changed person.
For better or worse i'm not sure.
But its all because of u.People at camps, especially my lovely flowers, have a great time!
While the rest of us, have a wonderful time exercising (and slacking)!
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:39 AM}
♥Sunday, April 08, 2007
to cry or to laugh.
i can do both at the same time.
whats with obsession nowdays?
11 more days.
17 more days.
a mth & 2 more days.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:11 AM}
♥Thursday, April 05, 2007
♥Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Oh gods.
I really need help now.
I really do.
I'm losing myself.
You're losing me.
and she say GOODBYE..{/4:12 PM}
♥Tuesday, April 03, 2007
It was our beloved siew's birthday yesterday! We celebrated with breakfast- Dim Sum buffet at Dragon Gate Restaurant.

We had loads of food.

Those who were present, a pat on our back for waking up so early! Especially me! I slept only 2 hours. HAHA.

Miss Tan came and join us for TMNT. I dozed off during the show.

More pics at the photoalbum, grab them alright.
Shall nt bring camera again.Doesn't pay to be kind. Oh well.
Did I care too much again?
If you can't help, just shut up and not make things difficult.
and she say GOODBYE..{/9:32 PM}
♥Sunday, April 01, 2007
I have finally finally consolidated and edited all the pictures for Amy's chalet!
Here's some of the pictures. For the rest, they are all in my photo album!
It's weird looking at the number of hours I'm sleeping now. This is supposed to be my vacation, but I'm actually getting as lil sleep as possible, even lesser than those days which I had to attend school.
This is for Rina.
I can't even rmb my first session of mahjong but I can rmb how lil times I had won which is like merely twice. I can't stand my luck. But I'm glad I can finally play on my own and even HU alright. Mahjong is like the one and only favourite past times of the SengKangrians, so much so that it's like going on every night. We also have enough 'legs' but just too lil tables. We need a gambling house.
okayokay, the pictures.

Happy 20th Birthday Amy!

this is like one of the most decent shot ever taken.

wonder why everyone looked so xat here.

this is the pic i cant stop laughing at.

kukus with specs.

Alright! DND pics coming up soon! :)
and she say GOODBYE..{/5:49 PM}