♥Friday, March 23, 2007

I hope everyone had fun and ate alot! Especially amy, this was all for u! :)
and she say GOODBYE..{/3:45 PM}
♥Wednesday, March 21, 2007
i dont wish to keep rambling on.
i've tried very hard to keep things right, keep things together.
but ultimately, it all did not turn out right. or rather its too soon to have an answer.
i put things together but only to see so many of you tearing them apart.
sometimes, an answer is not needed. an action, a word may just says it all.
why do you have to put yourself in a maze and force yourself to the end of world.
all we need to do is to be more understanding.
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:03 AM}
♥Tuesday, March 20, 2007
I'm kind of pissed of because nobody seems to care what I care about.
I'm bothered by the fact that everyone turned their blind eyes.
Maybe they chose to runaway while I'm dumb enough to stay put.
Dumb enough to care.
Dumb enough to be bothered.
Dumb enough to be pissed.
At the end of the day, I'm still at the losing end.
tales-telling are not my forte, yet im still trying.
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:44 AM}
♥Sunday, March 18, 2007
I'm in so much pain now.
We had a great deal of fun at the Jurong swimming complex yday.
alan, alvin, dor and peter.
And now we are all like lobsters. Fun in exchange for pain.
I hope we all get out of this soon.
Now i shall spend time planning on the chalet.
and she say GOODBYE..{/4:23 PM}
♥Tuesday, March 13, 2007
this is really getting on my nerves.
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:51 AM}
♥Monday, March 12, 2007
I am officially crowned the unlucky queen. Stay away from me.
BBQ was satisfying due to the endless eating.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:11 AM}
♥Friday, March 09, 2007
hello everyone!
I had been living in hell.
A series of unfortunate events had happened.
First, my motorola was disfigured after sending it to A&E. A scratched and distorted motorola!
Next, my former 1 and half year old lappy was burnt! I put it on a cushion and it was short circuit after 2 hours. duh. Now I'm back here with my new lappy! Our whole family is going to live with congee from tmrw onwards. Perhaps just me. LONG LIVE NEW LAPPY!
* I managed to survive a week without internet!Whats more? I fell down in my own bathroom!!!!!! Got a deep cut in my mouth and ugly bruises on my knees. And I almost fell down everyday after that. Thank god I'm still alive, right here telling you all my unlucky events.

Shoo shoo`
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:00 AM}
♥Tuesday, March 06, 2007
my comp is down.
very down,underlying.
no updates for the moment til i got my new comp.
and she say GOODBYE..{/8:55 AM}