♥Wednesday, February 28, 2007
My achievement.
Our achievement.
Jogging from SengKang to Punggol.
Saimin and i.
Dont you dare to forget our breakfast date! Haha.
I was eating craved-for-a-very-long-time chips when I came across this...
do you see a heart?Fascinating! Alil eerie now. How did that shape ever appear?
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:53 AM}
♥Saturday, February 24, 2007
Life is boring.
Yes teddy, I'm leading a very free and easy life now. Just like you!
Okay, I had been keeping myself busy planning the graduation vacation. It's kinda getting on my nerves now. Nothing seems right. Too many ideas, too many places to go, too much restrictions BUT too lil money. Cash flow problem everywhere, everyone. We never seemed to know what's saving for rainy days. Our lives had been storms. That explains it.
My looney motorola is as good as dead. After giving it 2 days of chance, I sent it to the A&E department. Currently hospitalised, 3days. I hope you will not end up under the soil.
Last of all, I had decided not to go the JAL interview. I guess being an air stewardess is not what I really wanted in life. I sent the application just to try my luck. Bye JAL. See you when I travel to Japan. Save your scoldings my family and friends.
Happy mugging to my girls who will be having their exams soon. And for us, the slackers for the moment, happy lazing around.
i pray to sleep well every night.
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:45 AM}
♥Thursday, February 22, 2007
Happy CNY!!
It's funny when the relatives stop wishing 学业进步, it makes me feels kinda of old. But anyway, I requested them to wish me 快高长大 instead, though I wanted the 快高 but not the 长大. Oh well.
We had lotsa of fun during reunion at Dor's place on 初三. Pictures not sent to me yet.
Not forgetting the first 2 days at my granny's place.

Hands of the young and old.

I guess I must have had drawn a BAD card.



Had been out these 2 days. Caught 2 movies. Norbit & Dream Girls, don't we just love eddie murphy? Go catch them! I love these 2 shows. I LOVE BEYONCE! I just made her my idol of 2007.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:25 AM}
♥Saturday, February 17, 2007
Oh my god oh my god!
Fancy getting this letter on new year's eve.
Tell me is this good news or not.
I'm so freaking out.
And I need all the I luck I can ever have.
May god bless me for the interview!
No eating for New Year.
and she say GOODBYE..{/8:18 PM}
♥Thursday, February 15, 2007
I did something amazing.
I actually submitted my research paper a day before the deadline!
So much effort for the last assignment ever in my 3 years of Poly life.
Well well, I'm already bidding
good riddance to
The school I ought to miss.This 3years is/was the unluckiest period of my life. Perhaps it's because I had sucha wonderful secondary school life and it's time I ought to suffer. But anyway, I'm glad it
o-v-e-r. Okay, about to be
o-v-e-r. Can you believe it?!
Anyway, happy belated vday to everyone.... The best vday was also during secondary school days. Was that sec 3 or 4? We all had so much fun that day, and I can't believe I actually forgot the actual year.
Last Saturday was like the happiest day I had since internship started, minus the NAPFA test. I passed, but I didn't really put in effort for a
GOLD. Maybe I did get a Gold, not sure though. Peeps having the test tmrw, greatest luck! And my lucky 0909!!! Strike lottery okay!

Afterwhich I met my girls for shopping sprees! I would definitely prefer shopping online. I hate the crowd! We had a great girls' night after sending away the guys. Oh, they actually chose to leave on their own accord. Anyway, we appreciated it. We walked all the way from Kovan to SengKang, sending each other home. I think I could have just walked on and on and on. I LOVE THE BREEZE!

*How many pancakes do you see?I've been playing this stupid game with my sister. I'm so grateful that she actually entertained me. Haha.
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:54 AM}
♥Wednesday, February 07, 2007
It's funny how some things change, and how some remain.
Things that ought to be change, remained.
Vice versa,
those that were supposed to remain, changed.
Tell me what the future holds.
Show me how it would be like.
I've seen the ugly side of life, let me see something new.
I'm so tempted to be ignorant.
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:08 AM}
♥Saturday, February 03, 2007
Hey friends,
Capture some memories.
Just in case the computer crashes or anything.
*touch wood.
Thank you for all the fun & memories.
click on the new link.
pls do not ask me to remove anything.
and she say GOODBYE..{/9:13 PM}
♥Thursday, February 01, 2007
Too tired of trying and thus, I chose to be indifferent, to be apathetic.
Whatever left is the past. Maybe we might fail our 10 year promise. But I really couldn't care anymore.
We can still laugh, we can still talk. But perhaps, that's all.
I don't see it as a waste, I just see it as a part and parcel of growing up. If you couldn't care more, I would just care less. You might think that I'm totally ridiculous, suits you. You can even blame me, I seriously couldnt give a damn anymore. I gave all that I could, I used up all my strength, my forgiveness, my magnanimous, my understanding.
You don't mean what you say, you said for the sake of saying. Days passes, and you forgets. I'm used to it. I'm tired of it. Yes, I'm not angry,, I'm not pissed. You know what, you don't deserve for me to be angry, pissed or even to vexed over. Give me a break.
If that is all that I deserve.
If that is how much I mean to you.
If that is how you think about me.
I said, I do not care anymore.
We're quits.
If this is what you want. I think you deserve this. I think you ought to be alone. You'll be great alone. That's the kind of person you are. You don't like commitment. You don't. I know you will be happy this way, my friend.
and she say GOODBYE..{/11:28 PM}