♥Sunday, December 31, 2006
It's 0000 hrs, 1st Jan 2007 right now.
Yet another 365 days gone, and a new 365 days.
I want to enjoy peace.
I know I said I want peace, and I want to stay at home tonight.
I switched off my phone, signed out from MSN.
But when it was the countdown,
3... 2... 1...
I felt a pinch of loneliness.
Maybe this is a bad start for a new year.
Oh well.
I got my peace and silence anyway.
and she say GOODBYE..{/8:08 AM}
im so pissed with everything and everyone!
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:18 AM}
♥Friday, December 29, 2006
Why do people like to ask me to wait?
It's not that I'm an impatient person,
it's just that I know my waiting will equate to zero!
People, I am now at the fattest peak of my whole entire life.
And I'm quite depressed about it, yet doing nothing abit it at all.
and she say GOODBYE..{/10:06 AM}
♥Wednesday, December 27, 2006
I'm so pissed off.
I just got home from work and the journey home was !@#$%.
I always hate coming home, it's not that i love the job so much but the journey always stink.
As I slept for only an hour before my morning shift, I was so tired that I cld barely open my eyes.
I just so wanted to sleep on the bus back home. But there was this aunty, I tell you, her voice was as loud as THUNDER can?!
I wonder if she's deaf, or her friends/kids is deaf. (Oh well, anyway I reckoned they might all be deaf after listening to her.)
I just can't sleep on my bus 27!!! Finally when the bus reached my stop, the aunty alighted too!!! Normally I would walk the 2 stops back to my house,
but because it was drizzling I decided to catch bus 86. I waited and waited, hoping that the aunty will board any bus but not my 86!!
And the freaking bus took so long to come and I had to bear with her voice once again at the bus stop. The drizzle then became a storm when the bus arrived.
By now, you all will know how unlucky I am because the aunty board the BUS!!!
I could no longer stand her THUNDEROUS voice in that enclosed space that I chose to alight a stop earlier
On a side note, we had a company party just now. It was actually a gathering as they claimed,
but we celebrated with a cake that says, "Happy New Year" which was totally inappropriate to me.
I can't reveal much as we were told that NO BLOGGING OF HAPPENINGS @ WORK. (Actually they meant backstabbing ppl.)
I can't believe the aunties and uncles will read blogs. Haha. Well, anyway, we took it as a farewell for our fellow colleagues.
eventhough only 1 of them is present. Yesterday was actually the T2 staff last day, but it was my off day as well so I cldn't bid farewell to them.
So when we saw 1 of them just now, we were all crying like mad. I was distributing the toilet paper halfway and I cld not take it and cried along.
Tmrw will be the T1 staff final day, I wonder what will happen. Less than a month for the interns to survive. We will make it!
I forgot to mention that I gained weight!!!! I want to jog but it's been raining everyday!!!
I just can't STOP eating so pls STOP telling me to eat more and pls CONTROL my appetite for me!
and she say GOODBYE..{/3:20 AM}
♥Saturday, December 23, 2006
Oh god,
I pray that you will keep me busy.
If not,
let me leave here peacefully.
and she say GOODBYE..{/8:34 AM}
♥Friday, December 22, 2006
- Christmas is coming. A season of giving. A season of love, peace and joy. Let's embrace ourselves in this heartwarming time of the year.
- I finally finally caught The Holiday with Aug and Deni. I want a holiday too! Right away. I want to hide during this christmas just like them.
- Only about a month left to the End Of SIP!! I hope everything go well now, I don't want to screw anything up. May god bless me.
I seriously think SIP is shit. Alright, maybe just for me, maybe just for those with me as well. They say you will be a different person after internship, I say we'll be living a different life. This lump of shit changes my life, totally. I used to think that whatever happens, I still have them with me. It's not like it's their fault, I'm blaming the situation. Now, whatever rubbish I faced, I swallowed. There's no one to turn to, no one to cry to. I miss the many many phone calls, for hours and hours when to pour everything to each other. Not forgetting the conference calls we had. I miss the times, we sat down and talk about everything under the sun. I miss the times we strolled along the beach, watched movies tgt and our own concert sessions.
The only way to stop missing the old times, is to forget. Forget the uncountable fond memories we shared, the fun we had. Forget that we sat by the beach, talked about our problems and even though we can't solve them, we still had each other. Forget that we watched horror movies, scaring the wits out of each other and grabbing each other's hands for comfort.
Alright, maybe I'm abit exaggerating. But there are times when I thought nothing is the same anymore. I hope you can stop making me upset, I hope there's no more quarrels, I hope everyone can be more sensitive to others' feelings. I hope all the evil people I meet will all go away. All the people who upsets me just get out of my sight, out of my life. I hope we can understand how each other feels. I hope that this is all a dream. I know I sound like a childish kid but I really want to stay as a kid, I don't want to grow up- just let me grow old, and die. I hope for a fairy tale life and I want to be rapunzel. I want her hair.
I ought to sleep now (2.37am) and wake up at 5am for my morning shift! Maybe it will be a brand new day, maybe I will really wake up from this dream.
I'm still waiting for an apology. Maybe that's all I ask for.
and she say GOODBYE..{/10:41 AM}
♥Friday, December 15, 2006
This entry is gotta be so random.
I hate the way I act just to make someone happy.
I hate the way I act so to make the situation better.
I hate the way things are right now.
Nonetheless, I still gotta keep it going.
Work is almost as good as wasting time.
Wasting my youth, as I always say.
It's all coming to an end soon but yet I'm not really anticipating cuz there's lotsa things to do like the portfolio etc.
I'm supposed to wake up at 5am but I'm still wide awake now.
I miss the times I can do whatever I want, whenever I like. I don't like the restrictions now. I feel like a robot. I want to go out with my flowers, I want to talk and gossips with them, I want to see them.
Jingle Bells! Xmas is coming and I've got a long list of xmas pressie waiting for someone to buy for me! Oh wells, I know I will end up buying them myself. Hahaha. Tell me it's okay to reward and pamper myself.
But still, there's always something to look forward to...
Happy 19th Birthday Rina.
Great celebration on Sun!
I'm sorry I can't attend.
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:52 AM}
♥Saturday, December 09, 2006

xmas tree at the church! so nice right?!

Retro-themed wedding.

Aint he just adorable!

zillions of thanks to Deni for you know why.
and she say GOODBYE..{/7:30 PM}