♥Saturday, September 30, 2006
Happy Birthday to mummy! Being a nice lil daughter, I treated her to crystal jade for lunch! Dad treated a feast for dinner and so, I am feeling really fat right now.
Working in the airport had caused me to gain weight. I should stop slacking. I truly hope that sth could be done to our uniform, stop saying that our feedback will help the next batch but not us. I dun give a damn, why should we do sth to benefit the next batch but not ourselves?
Nevertheless, it was fun meeting people from all over the world. Japanese coming up to you, "Can you speak Japanese?". I replied no, and they said nevermind. Then, communication breakdown with all the hand signals. Chinese people coming up to you, "Ni hui shuo hua yu ma?" and I replied YAH, and provide information with my broken mandarin.
I need to buck up on my languages and start picking up simple Jap, Korean, French from my dear seniors.
120 days more.
Great prata session with my girls, enjoy shopping W/O me tmr. I gotta work, dreads. I dread wearing the uniform.
On a side note, being an ah mah like I always am, I asked my dad to buy the Tiger Balm plaster. I was aching all over, especially my waist, so much so that I can't walk properly. AND I REALISED it was so USER UNFRIENDLY! Shall stick to my Salonpas. Haha. Just some recommendations. BUY SALONPAS, NOT TIGER BALM.
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:12 AM}
♥Saturday, September 23, 2006
Where are you where are you??!!
I think Rina and Wei passed the repeating syndrome to me.
I was like "hello hello! what you want what you want?" over my walkies with my dear colleagues. Thanks for disturbing a million of times and never fail to target guys for me. They are all too young my dears, I don't want to be lao niu chi neng cao! I'd rather be the cao than the niu.
Where are you where are you??!! Haha. 1 week.
SIP is actually fine maybe FUN, I like the job scope now. I like sitting inside the information counter but I still hate the hideous uniform. Tons of us doing our internship at the airport but our uniform is the WORST! Well well, they are doing sth about it. Just wait and see. And I just can't stop shopping around the airport, aiming all the discounted stuff, my pay will be gone in no time.
Great having our Fridays, with Amy as well. :)
count down: 126 days.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:06 AM}
♥Monday, September 18, 2006
Ahhhhhh~ Finally meeting more nice people these days. It was quite fun working with them and slacking around as well. 6 days down, 130 days more to go. I can't help counting down and I wonder when I will lose track of time.
Age is catching up on me, I really feel old and I think I look old. Gosh I ought to sleep early. Though it's SIP, I'm still sleeping at 4am daily and aching all over.
I Like Tourists! I hope they like me too.
I'm still waiting for you-know-what, those who know. Haha, alright I know I should stop behaving this way. Once a blue blue moon please. Wish me GOOD LUCK!
Here my schedule goes,
Mon: 7am - 3pm (Transit)
Tue: 3pm - 11pm (Transit)
Wed: 3pm - 11pm (Transit)
Thu: OFF!
Fri: 7am - 3pm (Transit)
Sat: 3pm - 11pm (Public)
Sun: 3pm - 11pm (Transit)
Damn, why am I always at Public on SATURDAY??!!! I want to hide away from locals!!!!
and she say GOODBYE..{/4:51 PM}
♥Saturday, September 16, 2006
2 days of sip and i hope it was 200 days instead. 1 more day to off day!
136 days to end of sip, yes i'm still counting down. Haha.
I'm counting down in days, better than farissa who's doing it in hours.
The work was fine, it just depends on the people you're working with. So if you're unlucky, you're dead. Our airport is just too big and well-facilitate.
I can die sitting at the counter looking for flights and I can die walking around too.
Anyway, there are very nice people around too! And I met this cute person. Wahahaha.
Happy SIP!
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:23 AM}
♥Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Everytime I walk the path, tears filled my eyes. I will never allow it to roll down my cheeks. I got to be strong. I have to be.
I always am.
I guess I ought to feel better. After all the tormenting moments, filled with guilts, regrets and self blaming, I finally saw the truth. The truth that I had been feeling so bad for nothing. All that I can do now is to laugh at my own foolishness.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:08 AM}
♥Sunday, September 10, 2006
Today's characters.
Lala the pre-birthday girl of the day.

Anthea, the noise maker.

Me, the sleepy one.

Hui Chuan, the guy we asked to the girls gathering. Haha

Eunice, who can't stand anthea.

Carol, the as quiet as a mouse.


Gosh, my cotton-stuffed face.

The old old pic found in carol's purse, still.

Part of our 9-course meal.

the beancurd and
tang yuan dessert which was served cold.

Eunice's MooMoo!

So cute right?
"P the P the P-E-G, G the G the G-A-S, S the S the S-U-S, P-E-G-A-S-U-S!"wahahaha. Our pathetic Pegasus gathering today. It was actually just a casual dinner and a little pre-celebration for Lala's birthday @ chomp chomp. We bought a slice of oreo cheesecake from coffee bean, she claimed that it was her 6th birthday cheesecake.
Notice: It's not her birthday yet.
Then, we had our 9 course dinner. BBQ stingray, sambal sotong, lala, kangkong, fried hokkien mee and fried oyster. Afterwhich some of us were still not full, we ordered a pizza, BBQ chicken wings and desserts. Plus, our super big-sized sugar cane juice. We felt like the
mokmok of the hungry
mokmok festival.
Anthea wasted a slice of my pizza!! It landed flat on the floor. I wana box her so much. Haha. She was so loud and noisy, I was suffering from
er ming. Haha.
Wonderful evening spent, though I was half asleep. We shall meet each other again, and that is 5-6 months later.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:24 AM}
♥Saturday, September 09, 2006
Donkey and eeyore years since we last had our friday night. Our last dinner at Roti Prata House. That was the happiest moment of life, as far as I can remember. I'm suffering from amnesia or maybe I'm senile or even selective memory. We had fun and I will miss you guys. I felt as though the lights went off, spot light on us. Everything and everyone freezed, except us. I laughed heartily, ate happily, grinning gleefully, forgetting all my problems at that point in time. It's just great to see everyone after a long day of training. Damn, if not for my training tmr, I wished we would have stayed longer.
You guys may not know, but I'm grateful that even when you all don't know my sorrows, when you all don't have any solutions, it's good enough to hang out just like that. You all are like estacy to me.
Not all fairytales have beautiful ending. Not everyone lived happily ever after. Happy moments are always short lived. Sometimes, forgettable. Vice versa for troubles, sorrows and pain. But we all just gotta make the best outta the worst situation.
I hate to admit this again. But I need help. I think I need doctors or maybe even gods.
I don't know when but I know it's coming. I'm gonna burst into pieces, just like a balloon.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:09 AM}
♥Thursday, September 07, 2006
I noticed I had been too preoccupied with myself lately.
Anyway, I finished watching my goong. Haha I know I'm kinda slow. I wonder why am I always affected after watching such shows. And I'm usually very inspired, I find meaning in it. What a tiring life I'm leading. Always trying to find stuff to think about.
Hell is coming, training starts again tmr. SIP starts on thursday. I'm not anticipating it already. 140 days of torture. 140 days that I'm gonna spend with myself. Maybe I should enjoy that kinda peace.
Did I mention? I miss shopping for nice pretty clothes. I see no point in buying them since the SIP is starting. I will miss being pretty, (not that I'm pretty), but until you see my SIP uniform, you will understand. It is freaking hideous that I think I will look better in pasar malam clothes even.
and she say GOODBYE..{/7:08 PM}
♥Tuesday, September 05, 2006
It had been so many busy days, that I can't really recall what I did. Except for my SIP training yday and a moment ago. Other than going for training what I did was watching Goong. Haha, not much time left for me to do all these stuff. Anyway, my 1st day of SIP is my off day as well! Envious?
Disclosed secrets.
Everyone knows but yet have to act otherwise.
How ironic.
and she say GOODBYE..{/6:02 PM}