♥Wednesday, August 30, 2006
30August2006 is one unlucky day.
Early in the morning, DPD paper was pure shit. I made sure I read the qns at least thrice before answering. I hope I guessed the questions correctly.
Then, I failed to eat what I was craving for. What's more? I was eating the
not-so-nice noodle and this fat ass lady knocked onto my arm, sending the noodles ONTO my pants can? They were stained! Like stained with blood, like menses CAN!
Next was stepping right into puddles of water. Once for the left foot, another for the right one. How lovely! My poor birk soaked thoroughly and they stink like stinky stink bombs.
Can I ever have a perfect day?
I need to sleep, badly.
and she say GOODBYE..{/11:56 PM}
♥Tuesday, August 29, 2006
i hate myself for doing all these.
i know i'm kicking a big fuss.
but sometimes i just cant stand it anymore.
why arent there more understanding ppl on earth?
i know i've got no excuse to blame anyone.
i can only blame myself.
i don't wish to do all these to myself either.
i'l be good.
i'm actually feeling better at the end of this entry.
i hope there's no scars left.
be it my mind, my heart and whatever.
i'm good.
and she say GOODBYE..{/3:17 AM}
Can I be evil?
Will anyone tolerate my evil-ness.
Can I be a meanie?
I'm sick of pleasing people.
I just want to be myself.
My evil self.
I killed my kind-split.
Shall start mugging for DPD.
Oh yah. I finally had a talk with Aug and Lin. A talk as in gossiping session. It's been ages since we last sat down at our starbucks and relax. Ok, not so much of relaxing for me cause I was studying and gossiping all at the same time! I'm great at multi-tasking. :)
But I love it.
Thanks flowers!
And for the shopping spree with Hong as well. Study too!
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:15 AM}
♥Thursday, August 24, 2006
Hey everyone! Prepare your party poppers and be bewildered!
Lala came last night while I was working and acc me back home!
What a surprise man!
Okay, I promised her to blog this. Shall get back to my OB. It's 3.15pm now, kinda untouched yet.
Wahahaha. I will get A no matter what! *smug
and she say GOODBYE..{/3:17 PM}
♥Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Time flies. When I finally had time to stop and take a look around me. It's already August 22. It's so going to be the End-of-Year. Well, so going to be SIP time too. I hope I'm involved in the IMF! I'm anticipating.
I feel like a walking Singapore road directory. I wonder why is there always at least one person asking for direction whenever I'm out. I know I don't look kind nor friendly, so a pat on their backs for their courage to approach me! Maybe I can start collecting money for that service. Of course, I do give wrong directions and I'm so guilty over it. Haha I can't forget the time when I was seriously stoning on bus because of the lack of sleep. I was sort of like talking in my sleep while giving the directions. I'M SORRY UNCLE. When I finally 'woke up', you've already alighted at the wrong stop.
So so finally caught Click! "Forever and ever, Babe." Thanks to Rina, Deni and Huan Kai for catching it with me! Rina and I teared, Deni was busy distributing tissue to us! I'm not that cold-blooded afterall (I didn't cry while watching The LakeHouse or KingKong).
I shall start studying on Thursday. :)
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:19 AM}
♥Monday, August 21, 2006
I'm still as strong, still as independent.
I should be thankful.
I can live a life alone.
I can make it as happy and as fulfilling.
I'm satisfied.
Really, I want to thank everyone for making me who I am today. I may not achieve anything YET. But still, I'm glad that I don't rely on anyone, I don't cry and whine for help, I don't run away from fear, whatever. I face the world, head up. There's nothing that can beat me down.
and she say GOODBYE..{/3:17 AM}
♥Sunday, August 20, 2006
I shouldn't be there.
I caught the movie Ghost Game with Aug, Lin, Clif and Zhixin just now. It was so tired watching that show and Lin was constantly boo-ing me. Try harder Lin!! Anyway, I forgot the storyline. I just can't really remember all these stuff. Pardon me.
I want to watch Click! I guess I should watch it alone all because the whole world watched it already!
Breakup with Saimin! I'm waiting my dear! :)
Oh dear, more and more people had been commenting that I'm weird. Emily The Strange or even Nana. Thanks alot. I'm WEIRD! But I don't mind and I don't care.
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:35 AM}
♥Saturday, August 19, 2006
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:30 AM}
♥Friday, August 18, 2006
I just can't stop singing Tian Tian Ye Ye to myself and desperating finding someone to sing it with me. Haha. I think I drove my sis and deni crazy.
Last day of school tmr. Shall turn up and enjoy.
Yes people, phone sent for repair AGAIN. If I failed to contact you, I'm sorry!
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:44 AM}
♥Wednesday, August 16, 2006
vision blurred.
why am I still crying now?
Happy Birthday Carol!
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:47 AM}
♥Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Can you imagine a snail on treadmill? That's me.
I just never seemed to catch up. I'll be crushed by the machine in no time.
I'm just too tired to think of anything, anymore. A life isn't a life without problems. Look! I've got sucha great life. :)
Ticketing test in another 9 hours but sad to say, I have not start revising and I feel like sleeping right now. I'm so deprived of sleep.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:00 AM}
♥Sunday, August 13, 2006

Done by 1 of my loveliest friend- may/hong.
There is a flower pot for every person we know in our hearts. The pot which we can choose to plant the seed of love or the seed of hate.
No matter which seed we plant for a person, we unknowingly water and fertilise them, so much so that they grew stronger and bigger each day. Until one day, we realised that it had became a huge tree, it was all too late to remove it- be it love or hate. There is no such things as Lian Gen Ba Qi in these cases. No matter what we do, we can't remove the roots.
There may also be occasion when both the seeds are planted tgt at the same time, in the same pot. When we do not know whether we are to love or to hate certain people in life. Ultimately, we just gotta see which is the taller tree.
We should not even plant the seeds in the first place.
Pardon me. I'm sleepy for I missed my dreamland last night. I am wonder woman.
*I see that streak of sunlight beaming. (:
And yes, it was shopping with Angel, Hong ang Deni. Aug was supposed to join us, but she wasn't feeling well. Take care my dear auggie!!
Anyway, we had loads of fun. I guessed the funniest part was when the 3 of us decided to outcast Deni. We wore our shades and act like 3blind mices- at night. So we were to put our hands on Deni's shoulder and she will lead us through the crowd of Orchard Road. How cool is that? Okay, not so cool afterall, we were just plain dumb and hilarious.
Catch more of our dumbiest actions in town and not to be missed- our non stop hysterical laughters.
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:04 AM}
♥Saturday, August 12, 2006
I insist that E.T and alien are different.

This is Alien.

This is E.T.
Haha. Agree with me?
I should really start studying for my Fhy Test now. Look at the time!
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:46 AM}
♥Friday, August 11, 2006
have to listen to F.I.R's new song.
Tian Tian Ye Ye.
It's the bestest song ever.
With leann rimes.
*how do I live without you
I want to know
*how do I breathe without you
If you ever go
*how do I ever
Ever survive~
I love Leann Rimes too!
and she say GOODBYE..{/3:49 AM}
I'm famished. It's 12.28am, Aug11 but I have not eaten a single meal for Aug10. I'm not trying to lose weight. I'm just angry, at my mum. Waiting for her to ask me to eat, obviously she didn't. Yah go ahead and say that I'm spoilt or whatever. I'm not.
I'm no princess at home or anywhere. I'm just a slave, everywhere.
Mum is being bias again, yah like what's new. But I can't stand it. I woke up in the afternoon, slightly earlier so that I can have my lunch and then to work. Mum asked me to eat her leftover kuey which is like damn pathetic. Fine. Dear mum woke sis up, an hour later, happily preparing fried noodles for her. Am I kicking a big fuss over nothing? She can't understand what I was upset about but only to reprimand me for my attitude. What was I suppose to do? Smile sweetly at her and say, thanks for the leftover? Or "yah, I prefer leftover kuey than noodle."
Whatever. I'm hungry and I'm not eating until she ask me to.
And so, I'm a slave even outside home. You know, like how I get blamed for everything under the sun. Sometimes you people just gotta reflect. Spend some time, reflect on your own doings. And maybe I reflect too much.
Alright, whinings and all will be elsewhere.
Some happy stuff!
Angel, Aug, Deni, Hong and I were patriotic citizens yday. No, we did not catch the NDP nor the fireworks. We were fancily dressed in red and white, strolling away in town. Damn, we were the only ones like that. So we were treated like aliens, with strangers greeting "happy national day" to us, or cheering "Singapore! Singapore!" Haha. Irritating or hilarious?
By now, I'm still hungry. Mum went to sleep and did not ask me to eat.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:32 AM}
♥Thursday, August 10, 2006
Firstly, thank you for the blogskin mr pomata.
Next, shall update my entry tmr. I'm tired.
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:27 AM}
♥Wednesday, August 09, 2006
I don't wish to sound unhappy. But I just feel that I'm dying. I think I contracted some disease or what, not AIDS of course. Haha.
You see, there are lumps growing on me. Tell me it's not cancerous. Really, my legs, arms and those on the face are pimples.
I'm so tired that I think I can fall into a coma anytime, anywhere. The amount that Lala sleep for a night= mine for 2nights. Is she sleeping too much? Or am I sleeping too lil? I miss the times when I could sleep and wake up anytime I like.
And you know what? I just noticed that I can't walk. Like suddenly. I was sitting here, infront of my laptop and just when I wanted to stand up, I fell on the floor. I had to crawl outta my room to get help from my sis. If not, I had to jump on one.
I hope I can walk by tmr. I shall slip into coma right now. Hope that I can still wake up and enjoy the morning sun and breeze, see the pretty faces of my lovely friends. I want to wake up tmr. I want to walk tmr.
Happy Birthday Singapore.
Dress like a flag, on this special day. :)
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:01 AM}
♥Friday, August 04, 2006
I asked my sis and lala a question.
Is alien and E.T the same person?
Both of them scolded me.
Auggie I hope you enjoyed yourself today! Dresses and dolls! Success! :)
Oh well, something still pissed me off today. Regardless of that, it was a happy day spent. Lovely dinner at the Blu Jazz. Fantastic place.
Happy 20th Birthday Lin!
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:19 AM}
♥Thursday, August 03, 2006
I want to present myself an award, for not spending money on my wants for 3 weeks! That is totally amazing and unbelievable! Millions of pat on my back, break my bones.
Yeah and I wanted to blog about the Lakehouse days ago. I was thinking that the show was abit funny, as in weird. Ya, I know you all will think like "yes it's weird cuz how can they be 2yrs apart and still communicate". But that's not my point. My point is, if you watched the film already. The last part where Kate found out that Alex was the person she was trying to save on V'day only when Alex's brother told her he was dead? How the hell was Alex suppose to meet Kate at the lakehouse that day when she put the letter into the mailbox?!
Ok, shall not be bothered by that.
Today was a very happy day as well. I'm not trying to psycho myself.
Ps: Deni, you can count on me whenever you have troubles.
Happy 19th Birthday! Have a blast tmr!
I want to watch CLICK! Screening TODAY.
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:03 AM}
♥Wednesday, August 02, 2006
What a wonderful day! A great start for my new life. The day was plain, like doing the usual stuff, you know, my ex-tuesday blues. Anyway, I went for ticketing class and enjoyed it, the first time. Then it was work, the whole day! Time flew, that 8 hours was like 80minutes instead. Tons of people visited me today. Yilin came 1st, during her break and bought me food and drink. Then came my dear suzhen, who brought me food as well. See, I'm a fat glutton. Then it was Deni, Hong and Aug who brought lotsa love along. Clif and his grpmates (Yinsan, Gayna etc) came by, I know, like just happen to walk past, same for zhixin. Haha, great to see so many faces. Met Joo on the way to the washroom as well!
What's more? I got my pay! Yay! Although I had already pre-spend them but it's good to see the cheque.
Not forgetting Lala, who always call me up after work, knowing my long lonely journey home! Don't AP lah!
I love my life.

Do you notice? The poses are almost the same.

Not my balding forehead! I'm smart with high forehead. My lashes! wahaha.

We are flithy rich!

BE- Remedy team.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:28 AM}
♥Tuesday, August 01, 2006
I'm a baby! It's my birthday yet again, my rebirth. My happy start, life begins here.
We had our group gathering today! We caught Lake House! I won't say it's extremely nice, but I guess it's worth watching! Kinda short, but thank god it's not draggy. A few sad scenes, which I burst out laughing. I must be the
most-hated-kinda person that anyone would want to watch a movie with. Always laughing at the wrong scene. Noticing the least obvious stuff.
Btw, Keanu Reeves is SO HOT. Drop dead GORGEOUS! :)Afterwhich, we went to take neo-prints! We felt so old there, around all those secondary school kids. And we're really old, the speed we took to change pose etc, whereby they were all the same. I was totally amazed by how hi-tech these machines are now.
Shall wait for
eat-2-bags-of-rice to scan the pictures so that I can upload them.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:45 AM}