♥Monday, July 31, 2006
Happy 7th Birthday Creamy!
Sis love you even more now.
I'm awaiting for 1stAug. The day I plan to end that 16months of torture. I will succeed. I know each and every reader here is getting tired of my tragic posts and so, I will only update happy, joyous and fun moments here. The usual depressing one, will be found elsewhere.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:00 AM}
♥Sunday, July 30, 2006

Yeap! It's Aug and Lin's birthday in a matter of days.

So here's the plan!
To those who received the sms but did or did not reply. I'm posting the details here. Though it's of higher possibility that you will not see it this way.
Anyway, yah, if you received a sms regarding this or verbally informed about this, you're invited.
3rd Aug 2006, Thursday.
Fishermen Village.
Prolly meet at about 6.30-7pm. I know everyday's habit to be late. So if we see you, you there. If not, you're not.
But still, cordially invited and welcome.
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:19 AM}
♥Saturday, July 29, 2006

We love BE! Remedy- our baby.

Our catalogue. :)

I love ticketing too! I hope ticketing love me back.

Our logo!

I drew them when I was working. See! I'm so free!

New logo! Jo & Jyn. :)
All reports down. Yippy, but still no sigh of relief. I wonder why? Perhaps there's still the last presentation, 2more ticketing tests and portfolio? Well, maybe not. Kudos to my team mates, you all are great! We can carry out our movie date! :)
I'm like living in a bubble. Seems so wonderful yet not. I'm trapped in a bubble filled with unhappiness, gloom, fear, distrust, broken dreams, unkept promises, poverty, disloyalty, tears whatever. Yet, the bubble is surrounded by joy, happiness, love, care, concern and what have you. So near yet so far. Just prick my bubble will you? Just anyone of you. Help me.
Time really flies. How I hope there's no SIP, or just for a shorter period. So much things that I want to do but restricted due to SIP. I'm so old. Frail. Boo.
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:02 AM}
♥Friday, July 28, 2006
What would you do if I say, "Help me"?
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:55 AM}
♥Thursday, July 27, 2006
Finally finally, sorta done with my projects! It's all the presentations now. How I wish all these will end soon but well, the end of projects will mean the nearing of SIP! Notice, I skipped the exams. Haha.
Hello people! It drives me crazy when you don't reply my SMS-es. It's not like one or two of you, but 10 can?! Pissed me off totally. I know that 5cents is nothing but can you like please acknowledge? And I ended it with a question! That means you're suppose to answer, don't give me excuse like there's nothing to reply. Fine! Don't say I never inform or what the
NEXT TIME!It's the Ahem festival! Lala's fave, so much so that she will stay at home for 2 whole months to celebrate! What's more? She's sick now! Haha. Take care Lala,
TAKE CARE!Anyway, National Day is coming, so anticipating! I swear I'm not going to work that day, shall try. I want to watch NDP live, the last time at the National Stadium. Will anyone be that kind to offer me a tix? Why aren't there patriotic citizens now? It's like you hardly see them hanging the flag out, maybe 10 of out the whole block? I remember it was not this way when I was young. I want see flags people! Flash your flags!! Let's all dress in red and white that day!
I'm surprised that how random this entry appear to be.
Oh what a dream I had. You can't take that away from me. Never, take everything but not that. Mine to keep, for good.
I think it's someone's birthday now. But I can't rmb who. Im sorry! Happy birthday!

we are selling nokia phones illegally. Haha.

The minor minor minority of SKYCO alumni.

The SKYCO now under the leading of the ever so lousy Mr. S*e*c*r Q*e*.
and she say GOODBYE..{/3:07 AM}
♥Tuesday, July 25, 2006
I'm driven to the edge, the verge. I don't know why. It's not as though it's the first time I'm rushing project and I can tell you honestly, this is the first time I'm doing that little for a project. But I can't stand it anymore. I'm not sleeping and I'm working my ass off, I don't have a choice. So it's only work-project-work-project. Hardly any time to sleep or to eat. Just what is wrong?
I'm getting more and more paranoid. Crazy. I was on the train just now and I've got idea why the train was going the other way instead. But I just got the bad premonition that I was going to die there and then. I don't want to get depression again. I don't want to.
I'm tired. I'm drained. I'm lethargic. I'm dead. I want to sleep. I want to faint. I want to die.
I want to sleep for as long as I wantttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:02 AM}
♥Monday, July 24, 2006
There's an inner voice, telling me to do otherwise.
Opposing my mind.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:59 AM}
♥Sunday, July 23, 2006
I received my first warning letter on attendance this semester and it was addressed to my dad!Dorothy and I were craving for pasta and so we headed to the Fish&Co. @ wheelock after sending Lin to work. Yeap, 1 trip there, all the money in my purse was gone! Thank goodness that I didn't eye anything to buy today. That's one week without spending on clothes. Applause please!
And so, I was so damn broke by the time I reached Pasir Ris for Chong guang's chalet and Eric's birthday BBQ. Mr Chong, you've got your cheese, stop whining! Anyway, yah I was so broke that I can't fork out money for eric's bbq and the cab ride home! That's why I didn't really eat, not that Pegasus are
gei gao people, but I
pai seh. Boo~ Haven't been that poor for ages!
Great time with the P-the-P the P-E-G, (Pegasus that is). I just love crapping with Anthea, Sharon and Huichuan, Eunice is too fierce to crap to! Haha. Just kidding unit, don't scold me! And it's amazing how news and gossips spread. Please recall where you guy receive the informations from!!!
I shall plan another gathering soon! Just how much I miss the skss peeps. Please register to be in my committee!!!
Happy birthday to Eric and Chong Guang and Stef Sun! Haha.

Dorothy at Fish&Co. wheelock with her prawn fettucine.

Me with my mussel penne. I look so fat here!

Friends since 03/01/00.

Ok we both look weird. My dear ANTHEA!

Haha. That's Sharon, Eunice and Huichuan for you!

Anthea still as jumpy and crappy!
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:40 AM}
♥Saturday, July 22, 2006
Our Friday Gathering is back! Still prata night BUT no longer at Jalan Kayu! It's the Famous Roti Prata House at Upper Thomson Road. Fine, I know tons of you had been there. It's not really far, further than JK for us. But for better food, better price, better ambience and better service, we shall go there for good.

These are the 2 people who hardly appear!

Hmmm. that's the starters?

Lin is so glamourous!


We wanted to look stupid.

And again.

We really get on each other's nerves!

Peace! *Twist! HAHA.
Well well, basically Lala appeared all because she wanted to beg for my forgiveness for ps-ing me the other time. She kept saying that there's this invisible handcuffs on her wrists, that's why she acc-ed me the whole day! Thanks alot huh! IS IT that PAINFUL to hang out with me the WHOLE DAY! I think so, that's why you see the pic which we were so irritated by each other. Blah Blah.
Oh and I feel so fat today. I had cartel for lunch and prata for dinner. Boo! I repeat, I want to exercise and I'm not lazy to do so! All I need is time!
Anyway, we met this old couple who are so ungracious, uncivilised and inconsiderate. Not really old, perhaps in their late 40s or something. The freaking bus was so damn packed and so Lala and I wanted to give up our seats to the old lady who was carrying a few bags! Just when Lala stood up, this stupid idiotic man sat down IMMEDIATELY! So, being smart, or so we thought, we gestured to the old lady to our seat. THE SAME IDIOTIC MAN used his filthy legs to 'chop' the seat for his wife/gf/mistress, whatever. Like so WHAT THE HELL! But luckily another lady, as kind as us, saw the situation and gave up her seat to our dear ah mah! We were so f*cking pissed that I stared at him, my usual stare, and guess what? HE STARED BACK AT ME CAN? And then he pretended to sleep! Oh goodness!
I swear and I curse that this sickening couple will be so unlucky tmr that they will strike lottery but yet unable claim their prize cuz they lost their tix. Lala said they left it on the bus and the poor ah mah found it and became rich overnight! Wahahahaha! I hope that will come true.
Deni was not feeling well and so she didn't join us. Take care my girl! Please eat!
People.. Pardon my broken english this time round! I'm so tired. I did well for Eng for Olevel. I really did. Wahahaha
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:55 AM}
♥Friday, July 21, 2006
So much pondering. I was watching the tv, they were talking about "how happy are you" and "do you want to be famous". Just how much does it takes for someone to be satisfied with their life? This is life, there is always opportunity cost. When you want to be famous, you lose freedom. When you want to earn money, you lose time. Really, life is about finding a balance in everything, which, is somehow impossible. And therefore, we are all living "mission impossible".
Happiness is so simple and yet so difficult to achieve.
Some say when you're rich, you're happy.
Some say when you're pretty/handsome, you're happy.
Some say when you're healthy, you're happy.
Some say when you have everything you want, you're happy.
I say we'll never be happy, never be happy forever. When you're rich, you want to be pretty. When you're pretty, you want to be rich. When you're rich and pretty, you want to be healthy. Vice versa and so on.
Goodness how pathetic are we.
It's better not to have anything. Maybe we can be happy that way.
Another pointless and ridiculous post. Please ignore!
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:44 AM}
♥Thursday, July 20, 2006
Yeah notice my new blog skin. Credits to Mr. Chong guang who's birthday is coming soon. Happy 20th Birthday to you! Wahaha. No lunch, no supper, no cheese for you.
And so I finally got some time off work to pamper myself alil and do my work. I got to do some facial, manicure and pedicure. Oh well I still need more time to pack room, the last time I did that was prolly 3 years ago when I wanted to dump all my secondary school books away. Maybe I should start packing when I graduate from Poly. And I haven't got time to exercise!!! Boo.. I so want to exercise, to move around and to sweat!!!

Oh I love this pic, the girl beside me, the photographer!
Millions of love to Angel and Hong who visited me and brought me food!
I'm waking up soon. My constant thinking process and psycho-ing. I'm waking up SOON!
and she say GOODBYE..{/11:30 PM}
♥Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Boo another nice but sad song. But I like.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:49 AM}
♥Monday, July 17, 2006
Thank god I'm still alive. I was stucked in a 'fridge' for 8 hours just now. My dearest workplace! It was so cold that my whole body was frozen. I'm not kidding, it turned red and it was painful when I hit myself. Ok I know it's painful when you hit yourself be it frozen or not, argh, you get me? Afterwhich they melted and became so vulnerable that there were red patches of skin which hurts like hell! Anyway, I starved myself the whole day. All thanks to you-know-who, but in case you have no idea, Ms Priscilla Wong Mei Yun aka LALA. I felt so much like crying just now. Stucked in the so called freezer all alone, no water, no food, no toilet break. Felt like an eskimo. How lovely. Special thanks and love to my dear auggie for making a trip down to have late dinner with me and we were damn lucky to be able to catch the last bus.
Anyway, after reading rina's entry, my mood was even worse. I MISS SKYCO badly! The trip back to skss was bad. As in, it brought back too much memories, not bad memories, but memories which was so pure and sweet which could never happen again. The life then was perfect! From Pegasus to Achernar, Skyco to Falcon, everything was just wonderful. Times when we spend nearly 12hours in school everyday, the black shop, coffeeshop, "army", camps, SSP, practices, punishments, cheers, dance-a-thon, be-yourself-day, "it's you who build the community", "I love you SK, deep down in my heart", "huha, SK on the war path", endless 2.4km run where we only walk, "please wake up, larrina", "stoping talking, denise", whole class going to toilet after every lesson, "ju yi fan san by Lao Ling" and so on. Every lil bits that cant be forgotten. The tears and laughters was all worthwhile. That 4years which brought us all so close tgt even till now. I really think that we are amazing people, the skss bonding is really amazing.
I love everyone from skss then.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:46 AM}
♥Sunday, July 16, 2006
Yes, I'm here to whine about how bad my life had been AGAIN! Hahaha.
I know you guys are so interested about my life, how sad I've been, how many times I've cried, oh whatever...!!
I was busying working, getting busy with projects, busy skipping classes, busy gossiping and busy shopping! All in all, busy keeping myself preoccupied, forcing every inch of my body and brain to work and tire itself. Boo! On the contrary, I so want to just sleep and laze around at home all day. I haven't got a chance to do so. I want to be a tai tai! I want to be a princess. But I'm still a slave now! WHY? Some knights or warriors or princes, save me from poverty! Save me from my problems and troubles. I'm drowning myself in them cause I can't swim for nuts.
I want my free time, I want to do things that I want to do, I want to say things that I want to say. Reality is cruel, so much so that I just have to do the opposite to keep myself going, going on, going strong. I'm getting stronger each and every day (*sing britney's stronger). I'm so strong that I think all my female hormones will turn into male ones and *poof, I will become a boy one morning. Just like one of the movie, which I forgot the title. Totally pointless now. But if you so happen to know what movie I'm trying to link to, I love you, telepathy.
Things are so different now. I love bus rides. I love 4 hours bus rides everyday when I sit on the bus, listen to my mp3, observe sickening people and think about my life. Thank goodness I did not tear on the bus. But I've really changed. So much that I, myself could see the differences. That's so scary. But I guess it's a good change. I have no idea.
This is just so random. I actually just wanted to brush up on my typing skill, I'm getting old and slow. Boo~ Nevermind my SPG errors. Argh just don't try to figure out what I'm trying to get across. I'm just practising, typing, type, type.. Blah blah. Good night people, shall get ready for work tmr! Money coming in and rolling out all at the same time! Hope to see you tmr!
I love my dog. Really. He is the loveliest thing on earth, Ever and Forever. Can I have more dogs please! Maybe I should work at a pet shop or SPCA. But spare me, I don't want to see any cats. Any dog farm around?
and she say GOODBYE..{/3:29 AM}
♥Saturday, July 15, 2006
oh goodness!
I'm even day-dreaming now.
wake me up when july ends~
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:12 AM}
♥Thursday, July 13, 2006
I'm so busy everyday.
Busy working to make myself tired so that I can sleep peacefully at night,
have a sweet dream, wake up and laugh at my stupidity.
Yes, my big fat dream that will never come true. How I wish, my smiles and laughters were true and genuine, that will happen in real life. Some how I hope I'll never wake up. Somehow I hope my reality is just a nightmare.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:20 AM}
♥Sunday, July 09, 2006
THANK YOU RINA AND DENI! For the prata and milo dinosaur! I was told to thank them publicly with the picture which I don't have! Rina maybe you can draw it out.

Celebrating not just my birthday, but 6 years 7months and 5days of our friendship.
We are the pegasus and achernar!

Supposedly nice pic, damn my weird expression.


Rainbow! My favourite.

They said we have to make funny faces. I'm fooled.

My dear grpmates! Aishah was e photographer she refused to be in the pic.

I think that was sam.
Boo! I'm 19. For the first time I'm admitting that. Funny how at the strike of 12, moody me slips in. Yeaps I had 24 hours of happiness in a year. I ought to be grateful. Sometimes I don't whether to thank or hate certain people in my life. Many lessons were taught by you all, made me matured alil, made me think alil, made me forgiving each time. Humans ought to be more sensitive. Say the right thing at the right time to the right person.
45mins to Por-Ger match. I think Portugal will win. Let's see whether I'm lucky. Notice I chose the word lucky not jinxed or anything. God bless.
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:15 AM}
♥Saturday, July 08, 2006
如果不是你 我不会相信
就算我忙恋爱 把你冷冻结冰
你也不会恨我 只是骂我几句
如果不是你 我不会确定
我的弦外之音 我的有口无心
却为我的美好形象保密This is what they sang to me. What made me cried. I love you guys. And how true is the first line of the song. I know they meant that! Haha.
Thank you all for the surprise. It is the best birthday ever. Ever! The surprise, the party, the cake, the pratas, the presents, most importantly, your presence! You all play sucha major part of my life.
My heartfelt thanks to Lala, Deni, Rina, Wei, Siew, Angel, Hong, Aug, Lin, Dor, Eunice, Simin, Carol, and to those who remember my birthday Amy, Zhixin, Clifton, Shirong, Bel, Zhen, Steph, Sharon, Anthea, Peter, Js, Yaya, Gayna, Kelvin, Wilson etc. Sorry to miss out anyone, I left my brain in bed. My grpmate “eat 2bowls of rice” just wished me! That’s Jingmin for you. Haha. I’m not emo and I love bickering with you!
It’s really happy to see all my loveliest friends tgt, whether are they from different school, class or cliques. All of us having fun tgt, getting along well tgt. I heart you all!
Special thanks to Lala, Simin, Carol and Eunice for decorating the place, the balloons that made you all lost a few pounds blowing, broken nails and swollen fingers for tying the balloons.
It’s ok if there’s no luxurious restaurant, no expensive gifts. Afterall, all that matters is you guys. It’s priceless.
We had prata at our long lost favourite hangout place, Jalan Kayu because of my 1month craving for banana prata. Then, it was party session at K-box. We were like clubbing inside there and it should be known as K-club that night. We had extra fun bursting the countless balloons with heels and needles.

My yellow/white polka dotted nails that I painted for myself.

Wei, rina, deni

While waiting for the bus.

Lin is so going to kill me.

The sea of balloons which look like jolly beans to me.

I insist, I’m only 16!

My banana prata craving.

They made me cry.

These people I love.

Kbox should vacuum their carpet.

The balloon-faces.

The 3 friends I made in my poly life. They are sengkang-rians too. Haha.

We are the “zai-na-li”

I have nose, Lala has eyes- like finally.

Chilli crab that my dad treated.
My birthday is going to be over soon, but my baby boy’s birthday is coming!!

A year older means a year wiser. This one year, I’ve been thru a lot. But I’m glad I’m still here, I’m still once again my happy self. I hope I’m wiser in handling stuff which always makes me depressed. Of course, there are still problems awaiting for me, but I’m not afraid anymore. I should like to love pressure, stress, problems and troubles becuz they love me.
People, remember: I’m 16! Every year.
Sorry people to have cause a huge hole in your pockets.........
and she say GOODBYE..{/10:49 PM}