♥Sunday, April 30, 2006
I hope it's not me. Should not be. Must not be!
SIP is so freaking me out, so much so that I regretted joining the poly. Should have went to JC instead. But what's the point of regretting now?
20weeks of SIP still sound okay to me. (Think about the money.) But those cover letter, resumes and interview will kill me right away. I'm still not the cut to be in this course. I still do think so, eversince day1 of year 1 sem 1.
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:38 AM}
♥Saturday, April 29, 2006
My fun filled Thursday and Friday!
We had a great gathering last night. Wei, rina, dor, deni, lin, clif and i. I'm sorry, I kinda forgot what happened.
Today was our "Black and White" theme day. Once again, lin was crowned the queen! Basically it's always because she the one who set the theme. Dor was the last, cuz she was still at the previous floral theme. Haha. So there were lin, dor, amy, deni and me. We met up at school then combed town again! As usual, we took alil more time to travel around cuz we lost our way. The street directory is not helping at all! And will lin just keep your fingers off the sound sys?

Presenting our Queen of the day!

The Black and White.

We are the same!

They are the same!
Our dinner and supper.

My dog!
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:15 AM}
♥Thursday, April 27, 2006
I'm so caught in a dilemma.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:50 AM}
♥Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I suddenly feel so sad for myself. I seemed so okay to everyone but deep down inside I know I'm not. I feel so unimportant.
You left me and you came back like now. Why not earlier? It's sucha wrong time. I know I've rejected you but somehow I wished you could be more persistent. I'm just stucked in the once so beautiful memories. Let me turn back the time.
I've always been there for everyone. All the time. Whenever anyone approaches me I'm always there. But had any single soul notice that?
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:19 AM}
How irony!
I was still all happy about school on sunday. Full of hopes for the brand new start. It was like, "yeah i can finally go to school and not stay at home all day" or "I will make a good start! I will attend all lessons just wait and see, all As!".
It was only monday and I attended just one lecture. I hate school. I hate waiting for the stupid bus and squeezing in the ever-so-packed bus. I hate waking up so damn early in the morning when I merely just slept for an hour or so! And guess what? I'm already planning to skip lessons! OMG! I can't wait for holidays! The thought of Labour day just makes me happy!
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:46 AM}
♥Saturday, April 22, 2006
I just hate myself.
Yes, every lil thing about me.
Why am I such an idiot?
I have serious problem with my mentality, my attitude.
I'm just so freaking mad at myself.
and she say GOODBYE..{/11:25 PM}
Despite meeting up often and having fun together, deep down inside all of us are troubled. Why are all of us so cursed?
I woke up from my sweet dream and it's time to face reality. Time to face all my problems. Every nice little thing that happened was all a dream.
I don't see my future. I seemed to know what I want but yet I know I can't achieve them.
I'm scare. Just like me hide in my shell.
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:16 AM}
♥Thursday, April 20, 2006
Yeah I'm like constantly meeting up with my dearest friends, we are meeting everyday! But it's sad that school will be starting soon and lin was only with us for awhile and aug was busy too. We miss you guys. Never stop thinking of you all while we were together.
Monday was the change-your-hairstyle day for all of them. Rina, dor, deni and siew. Yeah not me, though I so wanted it. We shopped till we dropped and decided to have la-kopi session at Starbucks RC. Our funny discussion over ahem topics and I will never forget the conclusion. I will not agree to that! Haha.

Tuesday. Dor, deni and I continued our shopping sprees and continued the same topic from the previous night. I still will not agree to the conclusion. We bought 3 similar bags. Wasn't exactly what I was looking for but well, I can't find anything else. We went home surprisingly cuz deni was off to work and the 2 of us was just too poor and tired to continue.

Wednesday! Woke up early for late breakfast! How contradicting. With amy dor and rina. Well, rina was so damn late that we gotta takeaway for her as we fetch her in amy's car. The part when rina and amy was frantically flipping the street directory, eating and drinking was so funny! Dor and I was like happily browsing magazines and admiring sceneries. Totally in 2 different world. Well, I did offer to help with map-reading but amy din appreciate that. Haha, I got full mark for my geography map reading leh!
Smart enough, we found our way from sk to bukit timah with that outdated street directory. Spent 2 hours at the lounge waiting for the car repair. Then off we went to town. Not knowing the way there again. Thanks dor for all the wrong directions. I think it was so fun riding in amy's car. Blasting ourselves with our own laughters and singing.
Finally got to meet up with hong and angel! Deni joined us and so 7 of us having dinner together at far east. Yeah we felt so at home at the restaurant eh?
Then supper again at our new hang out place. Dor, deni, amy, rina and me! I never fail to laughter hysterically with them around. Especially dor and amy, they are so funny together. I was so dreading to go home............ but well, mum's nagging. Who can stand those?
I'm so suffering from the aftermath of this holiday. I'm so fat now, constantly eating. Legs aching from shopping and yah, I'm broke as well.
I'm really glad I'm so loaded with friends! Really. We are always there for one another. We laugh and cry together. We get fat and slim down together. We are friends for as long as we live. :)

Pardon me with any SPG errors, I'm too lazy to edit.
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:18 AM}
♥Tuesday, April 18, 2006
There goes my mango shorts. I so wanted it but well, it's just not meant to be mine!
Why am I so poor?
Why do we always have to quarrel over the financial issue?
Why do I always have to worry about money?
Maybe I should just stop continuing my studies and step into the working industry. Say that I'm stubborn for all you want. It's not that I'm not old enough to think, I think far too much than you do.
I'm so disgusted by what you told me. I'd rather not have the conversation. You ruined the beautiful memory I have for you. The wrong person at the wrong time.
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:09 AM}
♥Monday, April 17, 2006
I finally went out! Shopping yday with my sis and I spend as if I'm a rich girl. Please cure my heartache. What's worse, I'm still not done with shopping! When is my 1000bucks coming?! Lin, I was so happy thinking of that 10% of the prize! Haha.
After a lonely week, so finally get to catch up with my friends. Those who were MIA from my life for so long! Met up with lin in the afternoon and I'm amazed that we can spend sucha long time slacking at cp. And your typhoid jab made me caught some cough virus or something, thanks alot! HAha. Dor joined us later and the 3 of us continued the slacking session.
Dad came by and fetched me for dinner! He can actually read my mind!
Then supper with lin, dor, amy, deni and rina who decided to join us at the last minute. Poor amy gotta fetch and send each of us. Thank you! We compromised and went to the store you wanted. Haha.
I know all these sound like a boring day to most of you but I definitely enjoyed myself and I considered today as fulfilling! :) More gathering tmr, I can't wait....
I'm still bothered over the money issue. Oh god please save me from poverty.
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:14 AM}
♥Friday, April 14, 2006
I feel like going for a crazy shopping spree and buy everything that catches my eyes. I will spend every single cent that I have so that I would have the excuse to stop buying anything. (I'm just kidding)
If a thousand bucks (see, I'm not that greedy) would just drop from the sky I will clear my shopping list right away. A leather bag, guess wallet, wedges, stiletto pumps, accessories, nice pretty lil dress, some cosmetics, do something to my hair, some apparel from topshop and a treat to manicure and pedicure! If those money just drop from the sky, I will donate alil to the charity, give my friends a treat and buy something for my dog. A thousand sounds too lil now, but I'm willing to fork out more. Haha.
Or maybe a trip to Taiwan and I can buy those stuff there as well. I've been saying that I will go there for years, thanks to my mum for going there w/o me! Or just give me a credit card! Then I can just buy them online! So many options, I wonder which one would my guan yin ma choose to reward a good child like me.
Oh I'm just day-dreaming!
I so want to go to TP right away to join you guys at the camp but I just can't bring myself to step out of the house and to take the journey alone to school. And now the rain! I know I'm not a kid anymore. Can someone just send me a horse to bring me there?
and she say GOODBYE..{/3:19 PM}
Oh goodness I'm feeling so upset right now. The whole world is away, away from me. They are either at camp, working, out of singapore or sick. I'm not blaming anyone here, I'm just mad at myself. Just let me whine! I ought to be at the camp too. On one hand I really feel like going to the camp to have some fun. On the other hand, something is holding me back. I'm still not sure if I'll be joining them now, if I don't then millions of apologies to Mr Prettylame (that is if he see this).
There are countless number of things that I want to do before school starts but I can't bring myself to do them alone. There are also billions of stuff that I want to buy but I just don't have the cash. I feel like dying now, seemed like anything and everything that I want is not going to be mine forever. Oh just kill me. And to some people out there, would you just stop pissing me off? I'm not in the best of mood to fool around with you. Get lost, will you?
Both my head and my tummy is going to burst real soon. Please bid your last goodbye to me ASAP. Enjoy your holidays people!
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:07 AM}
♥Tuesday, April 11, 2006
I'm sucha glutton now.
I'm having a sudden crave for so many food.
Sushi, Popeye, Coleslaw, Grilled Chicken chop and Spaghetti.
I'll soon burst into pieces.
and she say GOODBYE..{/3:34 PM}
♥Sunday, April 09, 2006
It was our long awaited fishyman village gathering last night! Almost everyone was present except for Lala and Wei. Many actually dressed according to the theme! Haha!
Halfway through I actually felt malu that we were so floral and suddenly wonder why were all the guys dressed in green. I forgot about the theme at that point of time. Hehs.

Look at our Flower King.

and she say GOODBYE..{/6:11 PM}
♥Saturday, April 08, 2006
I've got a new phone, I've got a new phone! A new phone, a new phone!
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:48 AM}
♥Wednesday, April 05, 2006
"We come to love not
by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see
an imperfect person perfectly"
Quoted from somewhere.
Quite meaningful though.
Afterall, no one is perfect.
and she say GOODBYE..{/11:11 PM}
♥Tuesday, April 04, 2006
I just wana scream:
WHAT happened to my eyes?!
I was looking the the pictures taken recently, my eyes are so small now. Not that they were
very big before but they are getting
smallerrrrrr!! But I hope they are just playing a fool with me, they are just puffy for the time being. Or am I growing fatter? My retribution for teasing Lala on her slit/seed eyes. Haha.
I woke up so early today just to go to Sentosa with my sis, Lala, Lin (yes her) and their colleagues. Was trying to get some tan but to no avail. Ahhh, maybe just alil. Took lotsa photos today and some darn cute, funny ones. Let's see if I manage to get them!
Here's some picts from the past few days.
Warning: I look so ugly in all of them.
My idol from Ice Age and me.

Evidence that I was made the steward at amy's place. I washed their plates after meal!

The Retro Night Party. Haha.

Do you always have to take alil of my stuff away?
Can't I truly have something that I yearn to have?
Tell me I'm wrong, we're all wrong.
and she say GOODBYE..{/8:51 PM}
I'm so loved by my friends! Or that I whined too much
(I'm bored, I'm bored, I'm bored) and they actually plan programmes for today. Met up at the long lost bubble tea 'cafe' with amy, siew, lin and dor. Many thanks to amy who actually drove me there, knowing that I still haven't figure my way there after so many years. Went to Amy's house where they played Mahjong and all I could do was to bring bad luck to whoever sitting next to me while reading the magazines. Yummy home-cooked dinner and I was made the steward.
Argh!! We left for home to bathe before going out again. Dear amy drove us all to catch a movie at Tm. Hey people out there,
DO NOT watch The Hills Have Eyes. If you wish to lose some weight by not eating, that's the show to watch then.
Despite having a fun-filled day, I'm still feeling down once I came home. Just what's wrong! I think I deserve some slappings on my face. Just wake me up from my illusional world.
Another day of fun awaiting tmr. Have fun girl!

Lala and me

Deni, Rina and me!
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:48 AM}
♥Monday, April 03, 2006
Oh well, basically nothing interesting for me to blog about but I'll try to squeeze alil out. Every day is the same for me and so I can't really recall what happened.
Happy Aprils' Fool Day! Glad that I wasn't fooled by anyone partly because I stayed at home all day until some of you guys asked me out at night. So caring of you all knowing that I'm all cooped up at home. Lala asked me out for dinner but she overslept, so no dinner. Clifton and Lin asked me out to catch Ice Age 2 along with zhixin and dor. Thank you very much for remembering me, it's been don't know how long since my last movie. Met Deni and went chit-chatting at our Lao Di Fang.
Happy 19th Birthday Siew! Shopped around town and *phew nothing caught my eyes! I finally stop spending money for a day. Dinner at NYDC Wheelock, 11 of us. Rina, wei and Aug missing, you guys gonna make it up! Celebrated Siew's and Amy's belated birthday! It's so great seeing Amy again, who only appear during birthday celebrations. Thanks for driving us from orchard to our Lao Di Fang, where we chit chat and la-mineral water again. Larrina, without you, I'm the one being bullied. So missyou can?
It was a supposedly joyous day but I ended it with a sad note. I don't know the reason and how much I wished I know! Maybe I'm just worried about the coming week, or maybe the rest of the holidays. I'm just so bored staying at home all day. What can I say, I brought this upon myself for not going back to work. I really feel like going back cuz jian ming yi tiao (you know how much a slut I can be), I like to serve but there's just something holding me back. Oh tell me what's that! Anyway I did something which I'm so not supposed to do. Just like my mouth rot and chop my hands up.
Someone please cheer me up! I'm so dead.
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:46 AM}