I'm still as bored as ever. I can't sleep till morning, I don't have anything to do in the day, I'm just rotting away everyday. And so I think, yeah about life just the way I had mentioned. I thought of the past cannn? Haha. I don't think of the future and fantasize cuz they are so unrealistic. I thought of the past as I flipped and looked through the old old photos. Now I understand why people always say that Secondary school days are the best times of your life. You made your lifetime friends, you had lots of fun and equal share of tears as well.
I recalled the 1st day of school, 03/01/00.
Sharon with her awful drink, me with my OJ and we approached
Anthea with her soursop. That's how we became friends, we were so thickskinned then. We were a crazy bunch of people, we laughed till we teared and even to the extent of squatting down. Our class, the
Pegasus- the elites (the way Mdm Ng
THOT we were, but of cuz we're not), was seriously condemned by the whole school for acting
guai. My greatest regret was to quarrel with my dear friend,
Stephanie. I'm sorry. We were so naive and childish, and I can't even tell you the reason behind the quarrel. Haha.
Not forgetting our teachers & principal. They played a major role in making our school life whole.
Ng, Rudolph the red nose reindeer who allowed our cls to skip SSP because we dont feel like turning up. The VP, I cant recall her name, and her donkey story.
Julia G, her huge watermelon earrings and her
REAL loud voice.
Fong, always counting flies in the morning, crying and making the whole cls cried along with him.
Yeo WJ, her yellow van, her mispronounciation of
"simprefy" &
Irene Y, her senseless chemistry analogies of
"matchmakers and catalyst", "murder" and
"the sociable student"? And her threat that anyone who fail the next test would have tuition at her house for 3days which made the whole cls passed the test.
Albert T, his
"T.A= think again" and
"Use your brain" comments on our Amaths assignment.
John L, the Mr Nice guy who bought us stationeries and TYS- for afew cls mind you.
The endless Chinese Orchestra practices, camps and performances. Our semi-annual holidays were
ALL ABOUT CO! Our Perth trip, stayed in the
kuku budget hotel, which was so scary I tell you, 6 of us squeezed into a room all bcuz we are timid. Our prank calls to scare the others. The farmstay, we wore layers of clothes, brought the blankets out just to watch the shooting stars! Freezing on the hilltop. That 4years was 70% CO and 20% playing and fooling around, 10% studies.
That one guy who really made me felt in love, the one who is probably
botak and serving the nation now. Though I never mentioned before and he'll never get to see this. You were too good to be true then. Watching every basketball matches just to support you secretly. The time when you trusted me when the whole world was against me, when you didn't even know what happened, I'll never forget. But I think you suck alil now. You're great at
pian-ing xiao mei mei. Haha.
Lala, my buddy. I'm glad we made up after that fight. Actually I recalled that there's a 2nd one. You twisted my left wrist which I'll always rmb. Picking up my calls late at night and hear me cry. Like I said, you were always there spiritually and not physically. I got used to that, we got used to each other. We always AP to each other and we never mind. Yeah, I didn't mean to AP you last night lah! Dont angry k?
Saimin! So many internal conflicts then, so much
pang seh-ing. Im sorry. But you never failed to be there for me. Lending me your shoulders whenever I cry, even the time when I got my Olevel results, tears of joy I suppose. Aint I lucky to have you as my friend even till now!
Alot more of you not mentioned above. You see, this entry is so long. I know it's so
pekchek to read till here, a pat on your back if you survived till here.
Larrina, Denise, Dilys, Carol, Kah wei, Amy, Siew, Eunice, All Pegasus and Achernars for making my life so fun-filled then.
Yilin and
Dorothy. I still rmb we became friends only after graduation. How amazing! After all the staring incidents in school! I'm thankful that I never got bashed up! And I repeat, I'm not ah lian k?
We used to have so much gatherings and that one festival we never failed to celebrate- the Mid Autumn Festival. WHY? And our
jing dian, for always wanting to perform for the whole school no matter what, the Valentine rose selling with profit of over a thousand bucks- for charity of course!
I miss the good old times. Always.