♥Monday, October 31, 2005
I'm gonna work like everyday this week.
Monday to Friday
and hopefully they wont force me to work on Sat.
2 public hols! double pay..
aint she kind to let me work?
One shift though,
but good enuff!
I'm gonna work alone on mon and tue.
That is no rina, sam or jo.
Shall get used to it.
Times when you start to feel that
everyone and everything is against you,
Maybe it's time you start reflecting on yourself.
Stop finding faults in others.
When you think that everyone is at fault and only you're right.
Think again.
We ought to reflect everyday,
every moment.
Change to be a better person.
and she say GOODBYE..{/3:00 AM}
♥Saturday, October 29, 2005
I'm still freaking annoyed.
The number went up again.
Thanks shawn.
I'm just ATTITUDE.
Runner for 2 consecutive days.
All I say is... I'M GONNA BE THE #1 RUNNER SOON!
if this carries on..
Well anw,
I learnt to enjoy being a runner.
I get to talk like thr's no tmr,
rest when i had nth better to do,
walk to anywhere that i like.
WHY complain?!
Shopping for 2 days.
Bought nth.
But soon!
Before hols end.
I'l get my stuff from Adidas and Birenstock.
and she say GOODBYE..{/3:28 AM}
♥Friday, October 28, 2005
I'm so bothered by the fact:
there had been an increasing number of ppl,
commenting that i LOOK LIKE AN AH LIAN!
Oh for goodness sake.
Do i?
I'm very annoyed!!
I need to go for plastic surgery man.
JUST what is so wrong with me?
and she say GOODBYE..{/3:37 AM}
♥Thursday, October 27, 2005
Aching all over for no reason.
I reckoned I'm just down on my luck,
down on my mood.
I got the underlying message.
Dont worry.
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:48 AM}
♥Monday, October 24, 2005
I just realised I'm lost.
Lost in the world of my own.
With me, myself and I.
All cooped up with myself.
It's all about myself alone.
Everybody is busy.
I dont see myself in their lives.
I'm forgotten.
I'll walk my own journey.
and she say GOODBYE..{/11:57 PM}
♥Sunday, October 23, 2005
Home sweet home.
3D/2N at bangkok was short.
But I wont say I hoped I had stayed longer.
Kinda plain.
Shopping all day yet nothing much to buy.
Much more better shopping in Singapore.
Minus the money factor that is.
Poor traffic.
Jams everywhere, anytime.
But the tuk tuk ride was thrilling.
Only the 4 of us will understand.
That's the most happening event I would say.
Would actually prefer Phuket.
Much more fulfilling.
I'm still sick.
Despite the fact that it's my 1st time completing my medication.
Aint effective.
Was updated.
Heard some bad news.
Those on my workplace again.
How I wish I was there.
The confrontation which I had been longing for.
Pls DO REFLECT on your own actions.
Happy belated 18th birthday to Clifton!
Happy Birthday to Shirong!
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:33 AM}
♥Thursday, October 20, 2005
I'm back from work.
Was the runner today,
but it was ok.
Not too busy.
No scoldings.
Was actually fun..
get to talk to more colleagues.
But well,
poor aunty.
I will miss you.
Damn ass for deducting and cheating your pay.
You ought to deserve more.
Screw that Fatty 123.
What is this world revolving to?
Never ever judge a book by its cover.
Looks are deceiving.
VERY deceiving indeed.
Someone who looked so pure, innocent, sweet and demure
actually turned out to be a flirt.
Flirt for all you want.
You only degrade yourself.
Maybe we all had malign you.
So much for maybe.
No, dont get me wrong.
I'm not angry.
Why should I be?
I'm just plain disgusted.
You deceived everyone.
I'll be flyin off in 7 hours time!
Bye all.
Take care.
I'll be back.
Real soon.
That's sad.
You're so heartless.
My empty hopes.
You smashed it all.
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:27 AM}
♥Sunday, October 16, 2005
The time now is 6am
and Im here for obvious reason.
and it's killing me.
Work ended at 2am,
and im not a least bit tired at all.
Fancy making me the runner on a Saturday night.
With a partner who is like half the time not there at all.
Are you kidding me?
Leaving me alone after 11pm and expect me to multi task?
Shut your damn mouth up.
Spend the energy to use your brain instead.
I wont pay for damaged ice machine.
I ought to be tired though.
I've been so busy lately and the only reason I'm home is
to sleep.
I miss my dad.
We haven seen each other for a week.
How weird.
We're living under the same roof and yet we dont get the chance to see each other.
And I know I wont be seeing him the coming week too.
I'm sucha workaholic.
This is my busiest holiday EVER.
I will be working 15 hours a day on Mon and Tue.
HOW nice.
5 hours on Wed, and MIA for the next 3 days.
Dont miss me.
I'm enlightened.
Dont be nice to everyone.
Cuz no one is gonna reciprocate.
( ok fine, only a minority will..)
So I'm gonna unleash the attitude in me again!
You just wait and see.
I aint gonna let you off that easy.
Tragedy had happened again.
My mouth is swelling.
and she say GOODBYE..{/6:12 AM}
♥Saturday, October 15, 2005
What a damn ridiculous encounter.
Have you ever heard that you cant go to your workplace when you are on your off day?
Like if I want to eat THERE, I must ask for permission.
We are the customers.
Not your staff for the day.
We deserve to be served.
To be treated like a customer.
And so,
we should be allowed to the restaurant.
to have our meals.
Not to be chased away when we are still eating.
Claiming that you need the space for other customers.
We do pay!
Not like those kept voiding their orders and all.
Is this what we deserve?
If you claim that we are useless,
stop calling us to work.
We have not done anything wrong.
You are the one making the mistakes.
Stop putting the blames on us.
I dont give a damn.
If you want say something about me,
Say it at my face.
So that i can scream at you too.
If you have the guts to make up some stories about us,
have the guts to say it before me.
Screw you.
You think you pay me gold bars huh?
That pathetic pay and get fuc* by you guys.
I dont need that filthy money for a living.
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:22 AM}
♥Wednesday, October 12, 2005
I so hate being the host.
Stand and smile.
Not my type if work.
Bite my tongue while chewing the gums.

Look! It turned purple.
Imagine the pain.
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:51 AM}
♥Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Friendster horoscope for today.
Obsessing about money-- saving it, making it, spending it-- only distracts you.
Isnt it just so true?
It's all about making money this hols.
No fun.
No entertainment.
No life.
Read my uniform.
" Get A Life"
Happy 17th birthday YAYA!
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:51 AM}

pretty pretty girls in new hair!!

Notice any change in our hair??

Dinner at NYDC! mistaken as the 3 sisters... hmmm..

we crowned zhixin the biggest face!

Sisters! Do we look alike?!
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:00 AM}
♥Monday, October 10, 2005
Back from our prata cum satay night!
Da dalen's treat.
Thanks huh.
Like finally~
Meeting up is just so tough.
But rina, deni, lin, da dalen, clif and i eventually met up!
Had some great luffs.
to be continued tmr!
Hair cut and shopping spree!!
Oh i just cant wait!
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:23 AM}
♥Thursday, October 06, 2005
Had been hearing so many many stories recently.
It just irks me to know that there are so many ugly people out there.
I mean ugly from within.
Or is it that i'm so so so reserve and traditional?
I dont really think i am.
What has this world become to?
Why are people ever-changing?
Have you notice that you're turning to someone who I dont know?!
Or the problem lies in me again.
I should just close my eyes
and shut my ears
from this disgusting world.
I dont want to belong here.
Stop being so agressive.
You dont always have to be the winner.
You dont always have to compare.
Face the fact.
Dont think that you are always right.
Can I have a say too?
and she say GOODBYE..{/3:22 AM}
♥Wednesday, October 05, 2005
All work and no play makes me a dull girl.
Weirdo at workplace.
save me.
Enuff of eerky ppl in my life.
I bear no more grudges.
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:54 AM}
♥Sunday, October 02, 2005
Worked last night.
It was terrible!
SO SO SO busy yet so lil staff.
My head was spinning.
Oh! Jun yang and Candyce came at around 12am.
I took their order!
Rina went crazy..
Running to and fro her station and mine.
Screaming demon aka dua bui manager caught her running around.
Joke of the night.
We received complain from customer that dua bui was too noisy!
Dont we just love that honest customer?!
Oops. correction.
Jokes of the night.
Dua bui screaming around at the sight of a rat!
the elephant and the rat..
I'm off to work soon!
Working 5 days a week.
Let's hope it fun today!
but i saw 'big eyes' name on our schedule book..
and she say GOODBYE..{/4:17 AM}
♥Saturday, October 01, 2005
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:15 AM}