♥Thursday, September 29, 2005
I'm working, working, working my holidays away.
Work was somehow fun w/o the ******.
I wanted to quit so badly at times.
But there's just something holding me back.
Prolly the pay?
Perhaps some of the people.
But I just dun have anything else to do except to work.
Now we feel funny not working.
Am just so sicked and tired of heeren.
Fancy combing it everyday before work.
Visiting 3 must-go-in shops.
Mambo- my tops!
Adidas- Jacket and tops!
NewUrbanMale- hehe.
Get them asap, after i get my pay,
But clear my debts first!
Oh yah,
before i forget.
Happy **th Birthday MUM!
shall not disclose ur age.
Funny funny customers.
And the uncle who was dressed formally.
Looking smart,
but look below the table!
He took off his shoes...
We luffed like crazy and simply cant stop.
Not forgetting my
Come back again!
Nv take things that are not meant to be yours.
If you deserve it,
it will come to you.
It's just a matter of time.
Dont try too hard to get it.
Dont be happy too soon.
Let's all just sit back, relax,
wait and see.
No more eye infections pls.
NOT once every week.
and she say GOODBYE..{/3:21 AM}
♥Friday, September 23, 2005
I just cant help wondering what are friends for.
Time and time again I thought we were close friends.
But i think,
at this instance,
we are less than friends.
Everything had change.
I dont know whose fault is that.
We dont talk as much.
we dont meet.
I know,
good friends doesnt always have to meet up.
But dont you think that we are drifting apart,
losing common topics.
You got your whole world of friends.
i dont.
You might not need me,
but i need you.
I used to think that,
friends are whom you can share your joys, ur happiness, ur sorrows as well.
Im sorry,
i dont have joys and happiness to share.
i swallow all my sorrows.
but you can always share with me.
i had always been here.
just where are you?
im not someone who you can howl and scream at.
come to me as and when you like it.
piss me off and think i'll be alright.
I'm not a least bit alright at all.
It took me alot of courage to trust someone like you.
Maybe you're busy
maybe you had forgotten all about me.
I hope it's not the latter.
Nobody needs me.
Should i be glad?
and she say GOODBYE..{/4:24 PM}
♥Thursday, September 22, 2005
Spend too much money on good food today.
Where is our usual prata nites?
tot we wanted change to satay nite?
but it nv came true..
gatherings again pls..
anywhere will do!
and she say GOODBYE..{/11:58 PM}
♥Wednesday, September 21, 2005
and she say GOODBYE..{/2:26 AM}
♥Monday, September 19, 2005
here are some of the pics:

Saimin and i

the girls- deni, the photographer

The girls!

Rina n i-
starry eyes
*i'm the only one in spects!!!
and she say GOODBYE..{/11:24 PM}
Happie Mooncake Fest!
or isit
Happie Lantern Fest?!
It's our custom for SKSS peeps
to celebrate this fest..
Aren't we amusing?
Out of so so so many festivals and all,
we only celebrate that.
Chalet at Downtown East!
Bbq.. yumyum.
Bacons, wings, sausages and hotdogs.
Not forgetting eunice's
ai xin bee hoon.
Thanks for preparing that every bbq session!
Loving it.
Notice that the
must-have satays are missing!?
Did i forget to mention that we got 2 warning letters
cuz we're just too loud and noisy?
EWE.All becus of that,
we terminated our games..
it's so tough to speaking and luff softly..
That was a Challenge!
Everybody fell asleep,
ZzzZzzZzzZzzwith some exceptions.
Deni, Saw, Zhixin and i.
4 of us squeezing on a mattress.
Sweet of us to prepare breakfast for the rest of them.
To those who fell asleep,
dun u guys just love zhixin, the security?
*Photos shud be up on deni or rina's blog in no time!
and she say GOODBYE..{/4:18 PM}
♥Saturday, September 17, 2005
sucha long long friday.
woke up early in the morning to swim!
* excuse me rina, that is NOT a children pool.I'm tanned again.
I so hate working today.
I din noe Singapore practise racial discrimination.
So naive to think that Singapore is
Oh-so-racial-harmony.You do ur part,
i do mine.
SHUDDUP and get your task done.
Enough of your bo-doh-ing.
If u're so smart and capable,
do all those '
sai gang' (shitty tasks) den!
Dun push it all to us.
n harlow?
So what if i cant see your fatfat fingers?
i have night blindness can or not?!
i just
CANT SEE your SHORT AND FAT FINGERS IN THE DARK!Stop niam-ing and complaining to the manager la,
for goodness sake.
It's only fair that we got good comment cards.
IF you want comment cards,
DEN DO UR JOB WITH BETTER ATTITUDE!backstabbing, bitching and badmouthing us
aint gonna earn you any!
WAKE UP!Dun feel like going back to work tmr.
Long hours.
till 2am.
SAVE ME..terry fox at 630am..
no time to slp!
You're just pure disgusting.
I tot everything was over.
Was fooled by u.
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:55 AM}
♥Wednesday, September 14, 2005
My braces is gone!
Let's party!
Went to work today,
like after so long.
But it was fun!!
The 4 of us work tgt.
Ppl there was fun too!
except for the Dua Bui manager.
I hope i get to work with the same grp of ppl again.
Note: NYDC are all big mouths.
and she say GOODBYE..{/1:01 AM}
♥Sunday, September 11, 2005
Back from my trip
and the place i went
was Kota Tinggi.
Nv heard of it though.
Went to see the ostrich,
waterfall and FIREFLIES!
sucha country pumpkin that i had nv seen fireflies b4.
oh well, country pumpkin wud haf seen them b4..
so erm.. im just.. LOUSY.
Went to town today with lin, deni and rina.
visit siew as usual.
Finally got to meet up after so long!
chatting and luffing @ starbucks.
we shud go to some kopitiam the next time.
cus we are all loudhailers!
you're just overdoing it.
oh i'm so awestruck.
and she say GOODBYE..{/11:22 PM}
♥Saturday, September 10, 2005
exams are OVER for good!
just pray that i can pass CRS.
no more slpless nights i hope.
im going to msia tmr!
dun ask mi whr,
it's some kuku area that i had nv hear before.
some tourism student..
awwwwe celebrated lala's bdae in advance!
was suppose to be a surprise,
but well,
dun tink she was surprised at all!
it's just so good that we can watch tv prog tgt.
criticising them and all.
rina criticise the most!
Had a tough time cutting the cake eh?
Chocolate obssession.
But ended up like..
eweeechocolate mousse.
gross but great!
Happy 18th birthday LalA!
another one joining my 18-yr-old world!
and she say GOODBYE..{/12:17 AM}
♥Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Can I relive my life? Had done so many things that I shudden do, so many things that i regret. But it's all too late now. I want to be a better person. I just sux, big time. Accounting down! I'm confident k. Gimme an A! Im not greedy, i din ask for a Z. But well, I dun mind! hehe. Ok, so I'm left with 3 dreadful, killer papers. I'm sure i wun do well. Studied for a week and i still dun understand abit! Ought to be studying CRS now. I will start at 11pm and sacrifice my sleep!
and she say GOODBYE..{/8:13 PM}
♥Saturday, September 03, 2005
It's Saturday again. How fast.. Alone at home again. made me think again! That's my problem, i tend to think alot. Somehow i hope, i grew up alone. No frens, no family. Then, I would be so used to loneliness. but, Somewhere in me, i actually like loneliness. craps. back to studying..
and she say GOODBYE..{/3:10 PM}
♥Thursday, September 01, 2005
Oh i'm just so into studying recently.
I mean i really study during study week for
the first time.
I completed 2 subjects already!
Went to study overnite at the airport last nite,
& CP just now,
tmr too i guess.
Aint i just so hardworking?
Im shocked too!
Hope i will do well in my exams!
and she say GOODBYE..{/8:41 PM}